Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Review: Entice (Need #3) by Carrie Jones

Title: Entice
Author: Carrie Jones
Series: Need
            1. Need
            2. Captivate
            3. Entice Brooke's Review
            4. Endure
Format: Paperback (288 pages)
Release Date: December 6, 2011
Genre(s): Paranormal Romance, Action/Adventure, YA, Fantasy


Zara and Nick are soul mates, meant to be together forever. But that's not exactly how things have worked out. Nick is dead-supposedly taken to some mythic place for warriors called Valhalla, where Zara and her friends might be able to get him back. Bedford needs its warriors more than ever, since a group of evil pixies is devastating the place. But even if Zara and her friends can reach Valhalla, there's that other small problem: Zara's been pixie kissed. Will Nick even want to return with her? Especially since she's not just any pixie . . . She's Astley's queen. Source


Plot: It has been awhile since I have read this book, but I still remember it clearly. Entice follows immediately after Captivate and Zara's quest to get Nick back. I have to say that this went to the very...stereotypical paranormal romance route somewhat. Once Astley stepped in, I knew what would happen and I hated it even more when I found out how good of a guy he was. He needs Zara's help with his followers and it seemed the only reason she hesitated was because of what other people would think. Yes, it is a lot to take on. But it was always "Nick hates faes" and "Betty will kick me out." It was rarely ever about whether or not she wanted to do it or if she felt like this was her destiny. The quest to find Nick is a long and tiring one, but it does raise more questions about certain characters and new creatures like the ones related to Valhalla. I hope they'll come back more, but seeing as how it was only because *spoiler* Nick died *spoiler* I don't know whether or not they'll show up. But it is interesting to see Zara take on the role as queen and see that she might actually like or feel normal in that position.

Character(s): Zara - I feel more disconnected to Zara by now. I just feel like I'm reading what she's doing and not truly being as invested as I was in Need. in the first installment, we were meeting Zara and what was happening in her life, but now it seems like none of that mattered. Her beliefs, her stepfather's death, what happened with her real father, etc. It seems like all of that has to stop because Nick died. I can see why it would affect her, but I hate how now the series has turned into them versus the faes to saving Nick and everything else is on hold.
Astley - If I have to pick a team, I'm standing next to this guy. I felt like he was incredibly sweet and patient with Zara. He knew what she was doing to him and even if he was heartbroken about it, he still helped her. There is now a love triangle but I hope for once the second love interest gets a shot at the girl. If he doesn't, I will be incredibly disappointed because he seems to great and natural when he's around Zara.

Cover: I rarely ever say a cover is bad nowadays. This one is no exception. I adore the black, pale and gold. They are so striking with one another and gives an amazing feel of the setting in the book. I'm glad this is a consistent theme that runs through the whole series.

Closing Thoughts: I am giving this book a three out of four because I do love this series. Like I've seen and heard with many other people, I don't know why but I'm so addicted and invested in this series. I can't get enough of it and love the darkness but "realness" to it. I hope the love triangle doesn't become stereotypical, but I'll just have to see!

Where to find Carrie:
Peace and Fangs,

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