Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 1: Alyson Noel Giveaway *5 Winners*

Want to win a book of the Immortals series? Fill out the form below and we will draw 5 winners to each win a copy! The giveaway will last until Sunday at midnight (EST).

Peace and Fangs,

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Fan Made Posters

I was completely bored today, so here are my fan made posters for Breaking Dawn, City of Bones, and Vampire Academy!

Peace and Fangs,

Dear Bully (Author's Speak Out On Bullying)

Seventy authors speak out on their personal struggles through bullying.

Authors featured are:
Carrie Jones
Megan Kelley Hall
Ellen Hopkins

Lauren Oliver
Carrie Ryan
Lisa McMann
Alyson Noel...and more!

You can pre-order the book over at Amazon. (A portion of the proceeds go towards Stomp Out Bullying.) Find out the origin of the book at the YA Authors Against Bullying Facebook page.

I have to say that this brings tears to my eyes. I was bullied as a kid and even a few of my teen years, I was bullied. Whether it was about my accent, my lisp, my race, my culture, anything, one after the other someone would find something to tease me about. I remember it got bad one day when I was in the seventh grade and there was this one girl who would not stop. My dad sat me down and said something I would never forget, he said, "Alisha, not everyone will like you, but there will always be people who love you." After he said that, I gained enough strength to hold back the tears and not let names get to me, no matter how crude they were.

However, I know that there are still people out there who are struggling to find their way and we need to help them and show them we love them!

Cathy at The Crazy Bookworm is doing something amazing and giving bloggers and everyone else the chance to share their stories. You can submit a story here. You can remain anonymous or put your name. I'm going to participate and I hope you guys do too. This is a campaign very close to my heart and I hope this spreads so everyone can hear.

Please tweet, Facebook, blog, or however you want about this campaign and book!

Peace and Fangs,

Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday

Jen over at Crazy for Books holds a weekly meme to let book bloggers get to know one another!

This week's question is:

Who is the ONE author that you are DYING to meet?

My answer: I know I can only choose one, but if I could meet Ellen Schreiber or Richelle Mead...I'd scream. Hopefully, not in their faces, but scream either way. I love them so much and am a HUGE fan of their books, so any chance I get, I'd take it!

Parajunkee holds a meme every Friday where you can follow other lovely blogs.

This week's question:

The magic book fairy pops out of your cereal box and says "you and your favorite character (from a book of course) can switch places!" Who are you going to switch with?

My Answer: Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy! She's amazing: she gets to guard the queen, she has an exciting life (Exhibit A: Vampire Academy series), and DIMITRI! Plus, if he really does look like Ben Barnes...then sign me up!

I would also choose Raven Madison (Vampire Kisses), Clary Fray (Mortal Instruments), Chloe Sanders (Darkest Powers), Heather Wallace (Maker's Song), Nora Grey (Hush, Hush), and Luce Price (Fallen).

Tell me you answers!

P.S. Tomorrow I will be giving away five copies of the Immortals series by Alyson Noel. All you have to do is take pictures of red tulips, red punch, and any color flip flops! Five people can win, so send me your pictures by tomorrow midnight (EST). (Email: blacknailedreviews [at] gmail [dot] com)

Peace and Fangs,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

HQ Breaking Dawn Stills


Here are amazing BD stills that I'm hoping we see more of!

(click to enlarge)


Peace and Fangs,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Breaking Dawn Trailer Reactions

MTV recently posted up some user submitted videos of people reacting to the BD trailer.

My reaction was more of a dropped jaw! What were your reactions?

Peace and Fangs,

Wanted Wednesday: Everlasting (The Immortals #8) by Alyson Noel

It has been awhile since I have done one of these! I missed my little glass of orange juice and chatting with you guys about my expanding booklist.

But, if you guys are friends with me on Goodreads, you know that I'm reading Night Star at the moment. I'm so excited that the last book is coming out so I can finish the series. I really want to see what happens between Ever and Damen. Sadly, I know what happens at the end of Night Star because I spoiled it for myself. :( But, I really want to see what Everlasting brings. Will it be a surprise ending? Will Ever be with Jude? Will Jude become immortal? Will Ever and Damen graduate in Everlasting? What will happen between Ever and Damen? I need to know! I have gone several months with this series and I want to know what the future has in store for these two! I like to spoil things for myself, so I might find out the ending before I can even get my hands on the book or even finish Night Star. I know: Bad, Alisha! But, I have to know. If anyone wants to tell me spoilers, please do and send me an email! Brooke hates giving or getting spoilers, but I'm a big fan of it!

Here is the summary and trailer for the book:
The sixth and final installment of the epic love story that has enchanted readers across the world. Ever and Damen have spent centuries facing down bitter rivals, jealous friends and their own worst fears—all in the hope of being together forever. Now in Everlasting, their destiny is finally within reach.
Will they be united—or torn apart forever? Readers will finally discover the truth in this anxiously awaited conclusion! Source

Tell me what you're wanting this Wednesdays!

Peace and Fangs,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Settings

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's top ten is over what are our favorite book settings.

Vampire Academy (from the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead)

La Push, WA (from the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer)

Sword & Cross Boarding School (from Fallen by Lauren Kate)

Modern New York (from Beastly by Alex Flinn)

Lyle House (from Darkest Powers series by Kelley Armstrong)

Maine (from the Need series by Carrie Jones)

Dullsville (from the Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber)

GothFaire (from In the Company of Vampires by Katie MacAlister)

Circus (from Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen)

Chemistry Lab (from Jekel Loves Hyde by Beth Fantaskey)

What are your favorite settings?

Peace and Fangs,

Monday, June 6, 2011

Once a Witch

"Tamsin Greene comes from a long line of witches, and she was supposed to be one of the most Talented among them. But Tamsin's magic never showed up. Now seventeen, Tamsin attends boarding school in Manhattan, far from her family. But when a handsome young professor mistakes her for her very Talented sister, Tamsin agrees to find a lost family heirloom for him. The search- and the stranger- will prove to be more sinister than they first appeared, ultimately sending Tamsin on a treasure hunt through time that will unlock the secret of her true identity, unearth the sins of her family, and unleash a power so vengeful that it could destroy them all."

Plot: The plot was okay, and it actually was pretty unique. It wasn't too overused, and had good twists and turns. For some reason though, it didn't keep my attention well. I would read, just because it was the book I was reading, not because I HAD to know the ending and it wasn't a constant page turner.

Main Character: The main character, Tamsin, is the outcast in her family, and doesn't take it well. Being ignored by all her once-friends, and being looked down on has really taken a number on her. So much that she pretends to be her sister, Rowena, for some attention. Sometimes, she can bug me, but over all, I like her.

Cover: Unfortunately, my computer isn't letting me put up pictures today, so I can't show you the cover. It's not that amazing though. I never really like having people on the cover because it doesn't leave you has much to remember. Though, if they cut off the eyes, or only show a part, that's okay. This shows her full body, and she holding a book. It's okay, just nothing special. I've seen an alternate cover, and like it a lot better.

Overall Rating: I have to give this one a 2/2. It was an okay read, but like the cover, nothing special. There's another one after called Always a Witch, and I might read it, but if it's just as good as this, than probably not. I wouldn't recommend reading it, but if your bored and looking for something to read, it could be your type of story.
Sweet Daydreams,

Official Breaking Dawn Trailer

I won't act like most of us didn't see the trailer! But, for those who have not seen it, here it is in it's entirety:

This trailer makes me so excited! Was the trailer what you expected? Tell us!

Peace and Fangs,

Week 1: Alyson Noel Scavenger Hunt and Giveaway

*US and Canada Only*
For the first week of BNR's Snapshot Summer Scavenger Hunt, we are featuring Alyson Noel, author of the Immortals series.

Later in the week, we will have an interview with Alyson, but we are starting the week off by giving you guys the three items you need to find and take a picture of!

The three items are:
Red Tulips
Red Punch
Flip flops (symbolizing California)

Take a picture of those three things and send it to us by Saturday. We have five books in the Immortals series, so five people are eligible to win a book!

Email the pictures to us at blacknailedreviews [at] gmail [dot] com!

Peace and Fangs,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Little Birdie: Dark Days of Supernatural Giveaway @ LAT *US Only*

HarperCollins was amazing enough to donate their supernatural heorines collection to Life After Twilight to giveaway!

One lucky winner will win the FULL set! All you have to do is answer the Epic Giveaway Question which can be found on one of the books' covers:

“Who said the following ‘A gorgeous, haunting saga’”?

Enter by MIDNIGHT (EST) and this set could possibly be your's!
The entire set:
Go to Life After Twilight and enter now!
Have a giveaway, contest, or any special event going on at your blog? Email us at blacknailedreviews [at] gmail [dot] com!
Peace and Fangs,

Official Breaking Dawn Site Launched

It's here, it's here, it's here! Yes, TwiHards, we can now see Breaking Dawn over the horizon! The trailer is premiering tonight and I just found out that Summit released the official site for Breaking Dawn. There are pictures already available and you can look on the past movies. Click here to visit!

Peace and Fangs,

Review: Cryptic Cravings (Vampire Kisses #8) by Ellen Schreiber

Synopsis: The morbidly monotonous Dullsville has finally become the most exciting place on earth now that Raven is madly in love with her hot vampire boyfriend Alexander, and a crew of vampires has taken residence in Dullsville's old mill. Raven discovers Jagger's plan to open a new club, The Crypt, right here in Dullsville. But is it her dream come true, or her worst nightmare? Raven and Alexander have to figure out what the nefarious vampire has in store for Dullsville's teen and vampire population. Can Raven convince Jagger to listen to her plans to make the Crypt the morbidly magnificent dance club it could be? Will it be safe for mortals and vampires alike?

And as Sebastian and Luna's relationship heats up, Raven wonders about her own amorous fate: Will Alexander ever turn her? Does he crave her and does he want to spend eternity together? And what does she really want?

With cryptic secrets and cravings, this eighth installment in the Vampire Kisses series is a romantic and mysterious thrill ride. Source

Plot: I love this series. Even though they are short, they are wonderful quick reads and they leave me wanting more. I loved Cryptic Cravings, but I was disappointed with a lack of romance. Each VK does not disappoint with the constant romantic dates in the cemetery and the bunches of black roses, but this time around, we barely got any of that. I will say that the rest of the book did fill in the romantic blanks with good mystery and drama. But, Jagger opening up a club in Dullsville? I love the idea, but I wish we could have built up to the situation, not just having it pop out of nowhere. I wish the books were longer so we can not only see character progression, but plot progression as well.

Characters: Raven-She is a very realistic character. She wants to have her all-time dream come true, but isn't sure if she wants to leave everything behind for it. Raven is a great character because usually all the vampire's girlfriends want is the vampire and that's it, but Raven sees that she's leaving behind her family, friends, and human life. I did like when she was seeing that not only was she in love with Alexander, but maybe...just maybe, there was something there with Trevor too.
Alexander-If there was a swoon button, I'd just click it a thousand times for Alexander and move on. But, since there is none, I will say that Alexander makes my heartache. He's the perfect boyfriend. In here, you see not only his constant romantic side but his protective and superior side. I loved that side of him and hope to see more!

Cover: Love the cover! I do wish that we had a cover for Alexander or Jagger or another character. Don't get me wrong, I love the covers with Raven, but I think I can speak for a lot of VK fans when I say we want to see a little more Alexander. Maybe we will on the next installment!

Overall Rating: I have to give this book a three out of four. I wish it was longer and something big happened. In a way, it did, but nothing that blew my mind. I'm hoping something extraordinary happens in the next book. However, I will stand by the series and say that anyone who loves vampires or romance, read this series. Plus, if you read The Coffin Club, you'll be happy to hear that a very sexy and well-missed character will reappearing in this book!
Peace and Fangs,
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