A few months ago, I came upon a blog with an intriguing name. After knowing about the IB program, I had to see what this blogger was doing. After looking around seeing the beautiful designs and reviews, I contacted Bailey to ask her a few questions about the IB program. In a few conversations, I knew that Bailey deserved some recognition for pulling together an amazing blog while still being a high school student. That's why, I picked Bailey and IB Book Blogging to be this month's ILYB Award winner!
Here is my interview with Bailey:
How did you get started blogging?
Well, in the summer of 2010 I got really into reading book blogs. All of the blogs that I read inspired me to contribute to the community of book lovers but it took me awhile to actually do something. I was pretty self-conscious at first about whether my reviews would suck, or no one would read them. But I met some pretty awesome bloggers who gave me advice and helped me to gain confidence.
How did you come up with the blog design?
Rachel from Parajunkee made my blog design and I love it so much! I love faeries and my favorite colors are pink and purple so I asked her to incorporate that into my design, and she took off with it. I couldn't have asked for a better layout for my blog!
What do you think your blog brings to the blogging community?
I think my blog brings thoughtful reviews to the blogging community.
Have there been any highlight moments since you've started blogging?
Goodness, there have been so many! I guess one of them would be when I celebrated my blogoversary. I cannot believe that it has been that long already!
What do you think is the best and worst part of blogging?
The best part of blogging is the friends that I make in the community and the readers that tell me they love my blog. =) I honestly can't think of anything bad about blogging.
As a teen, what are some advantages and disadvantages with blogging?
The advantage is that I probably have more time to blog than an adult who probably works full time would. The disadvantage is that I feel like sometimes teen bloggers aren't taken as seriously as the adult bloggers.
What reads are you looking forward to reading?
I am really excited to read Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, Everneath by Brodi Ashton, and Article 5 by Kristen Simmons. I have been drooling over them for awhile!!
Is there any genres you could never read?
Probably horror. I do not handle scary stuff very well and easily get nightmares. I know, I am a wimp. ;)
What would you like to do with your blog in the future?
Well, I am almost 18 now so I would like to start posting reviews of the adult books that I read along with YA, kind of to reflect my transition from teen to adult.
Will there be any events in the next few months?
Well, as soon as I reach 1000 followers (So close!) I will have a huge celebration and giveaway. =)
What have you learned from blogging?
I have learned how to become a better writer and how to manage my time better, what with my full IB schedule. It isn't easy managing a blog with IB but I still manage. =)
Do you have any tips or advice for new bloggers?
Don't worry about what others will think of your blog or your reviews! Do what you want to do, read what you want to read, and write what you want to write!
Bonus: With the fall season coming up, what do you do to keep cozy while reading?
I like to curl up with a warm blanket and my doggies while I read. They definitely keep me warm and cozy. =)
You can find Bailey on:
Thank you to Bailey for having an amazing blog and taking some time out to answer our questions.
Peace and Fangs,
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