The Keeper understands. He's trapped, too, held for centuries within the walls of the palace. And so he extends an invitation.
Every night, Azalea and her eleven sisters may step though the enchanted passage in their room to dance in his silver forest.
But there is a cost.
The Keeper likes to keep things.
Azalea may not realize how tangled she is in his web until it is too late."
Plot: Right in the beginning of the story, these twelve princesses lose their beloved mother. Devastated, the girls must learn to stay a family. But the king is king, not dad, and it makes the girls even more distressed. Thinking their dad does not love them, they become angry and distant from him. Meanwhile, they have to go into a "mourning period" for a year full of isolation, black clothes, no outdoors, and even worse; no dancing. When they find a magic forest full of dancing, fun, and an amazing man, Keeper, they find themselves under a spell. What will become of them?
Main Characters: I really like how all the sisters are in alphabetical order (Azalea, Bramble, Clover, Delphinium, Eve, Flora, Goldenrod, Hollyhock, Ivy, Jessamine, Kale, and Lily). They each have very different personalities, and I have to say, I love Bramble. Though, I think I am most like Clover. But Azalea is a wonderful, strong main character.
Cover: I love this cover. I had no idea what this was about or anything, but I knew I wanted to read it because of the cover. I love the dress, and where she is.
Overall: I didn't even read what this was about so when it started sounding like the Twelve Dancing Princesses, I was thoroughly confused. But I loved the cover so much, I assumed I would love it. I was right! It is full of ball gowns, dancing, and even magic. Heather Dixon wrote this beautifully, and I found myself at my aunt's house, locked in the guest room reading, rather than spending time with them. I give this a 3/4 because it was very well written and enticing.

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